Friday 26 May 2017

Week 4

This week we have been very busy learning about space and numbers to 20. Saxdyn, Frank and Aumaarire can write the numbers that come before and after to 10. Olivia and Parani are learning what makes 10. To learn the planets we made pikelets and talked about what colours the planets could be. It was fun making the different sizes too. We have learnt that Saturn rings made out of ice and dust, Jupiter is the biggest planet and Mercury is the smallest! Come in and see our wonderful wall display.


  1. I love your pikelet planets room 4. I hope your pikelets were delicious!
    It looks like you are learning a lot of great maths skills too. Well done!

  2. Those are the craziest pikelets I've ever seen! What a cool way to learn!
