Thursday 26 May 2016

Fairy Tale Fun!!!!!!!!!!!

Last week we decided to create a fairy tale wall. We brainstormed all the fairy tales we knew and the characters that were in the stories. We then found the characters we wanted using google and printed them out. Some of them we coloured in ourselves. After that we laminated them and stuck them on our wall. Our favourite part was making a giant out of Harry and creating a castle using rectangles and triangles. We have had so much fun creating our fairy tale wall - but where to now? Mrs Tatum loves to make up stories using the characters and now we are learning to do the same! Here is Stella and Teagan telling a story for the first time!

Some learning videos for week 4

This week we have been learning about adjectives. Today we drew a cat and brainstormed some words to describe our cats. Here are some of our stories.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Seasons of the year

Last week we created a poster of our favourite season of the year and then told Mrs Tatum why it was our favourite season. Here are some of the children sharing their favourite season and why. It is very important to be able to read back something we write or say.

Weeks 3 and 4

This week one of the reading groups has been learning how to point to words as we read. Check out Stella and Mikayla reading their books to me. Great pointing girls!

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Week 2 - autumn

This week we have been learning about autumn. We have been using our senses to write poems, learnt the different seasons in a year and used adjectives to write about how autumn makes us feel. I hope you enjoy reading the children's poems.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Maths to 10

Today I worked with some of the children to see if they understood numbers to 10 using tens frames and by matching. Here is a video of Joel and Harry showing what they can do!

Monday 2 May 2016

Week One - Term Two

Welcome back to Term Two. A huge welcome to all our new children! Today was our first day back and our learning for writing was "to be retell a story". We got to tell our story to Mrs T then drew a picture to go with our story. We hope you enjoy reading our stories! We are also learning to talk to each other and our teacher about our learning. Here is Kyle telling me what he was learning today during math time. It is so lovely hearing the children being able to talk about what they are learning!